Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What the Einstein?!!

So I just started putting on Baby Einstein videos for Cohen.... and holy cow... he loves it!! Here is what I found while I stepped away for a minute! Yes even Baxter is intrigued! I started folding laundry after I took this pic, and even I caught myself mesmerized!! ha ha.... I have a video of Baxter jumping on top of the tv and swatting at the different things moving! I love this picture!


shanda said...

I love that. You could not have even tryed to set that up. How cute. I don't know what it is about those videos but they are mesmorizing

Tracey G said...

Holy crap that is a cute picture! Cohen's little cheeks?? Come on!

Rachelle said...

I sometimes randomly read your blog...anyway, this picture is my fav ever!

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