Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tulips coming out of our eyeballs!!

So this afternoon, Jeff, Cohen, me, Jenny, Braydon, Brock, And Blake went to the Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival! It was sooo much fun! And it was such a beautiful day out! I have never seen so many tulips in all my life! So i tried to take A LOT of pictures of Cohen while we were there since 1. it was so beautiful, 2. he needed his 9 months pictures and 3. he was just so cute today! However..... he WOULD NOT smile for me at all! I don't think I got any of him smiling! :( He's still cute though....

(click on pictures to enlarge!)

Those boys are sooo cute with Cohen. If you look closely in the top set of pictures, everyone is circling Cohen.... well i was laying in that gap taking Cohen's pictures, and the boys were all laying around me trying to get him to smile! TOO CUTE!!!! It was just such a fun day with jenny and her boys and of course Jeff and Cohen! :)

I can't believe Cohen is 9 months old. Seriously.... He has changed soooo much this last week or so. He's now crawling like crazy, and sitting himself up. He stands a lot stronger now on his own (holding on to stuff). He FINALLY went back to sleeping through the night! These last couple of weeks of moving and sleeping all over the place, i think really threw him off... He is just so stinkin cute, and I love him sooooo much! He just has the cutest little personality! I couldn't have asked for a better baby!! I love you sweet baby boy of mine!!!!!!!

We are alive.... barely!

So we made it to Utah. I haven't had a chance to get on here much since we got here last friday night. And i can't seem to find my camera..........

I would just like to thank everyone that helped us load, and unload, and pack, and move!! It was very much appreciated! I miss Oregon already..... There are no stinkin trees here!! But we love our new home, and the location, and everything. We are slowly getting settled. So hopefully I'll post soon with pics of a put together house! :)

Today Cohen is 9 months old! i will post later... with hopefully pictures of him, if I can find my camera! We're going to the Tulip festival at Thanksgiving point later today with my sis-in-law and nephews! So I will definitely take pictures then too! So stay tuned!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Cohen's Crawling!!!!

So on sunday, we were visiting the Hibler/Morrow family. Emily took Cohen into the house, while we were all enjoying the sunshine. She came out and said that he was crawling after Natalie (Lyndsi's daughter), kinda saying it like it was no big deal. And I said, "crawling?" Her response.... "yeah". I started freaking out, saying that HE HAD NEVER DONE THAT BEFORE!!! Luckily she got it on video on her phone! So I watched it over and over!! I couldn't believe it! It's also sooo cute, cause Cohen is totally laughing at Natalie! soooo precious!

**I tried to upload the video from Emily... but it wasn't working.... I'll try again later....**

So then today, he was playing on the floor, and he started crawling again! And i was amazed that he did it again after i got my camera out... and then again when Auntie Allie came over! Oh I just love him!

A cute picture of Auntie Allie, and Cohen looking at books. my lovely sisters, and my mom came over today to help me pack and look after Cohen so I could pack. It was such a big help, especially since Jeff was at the Blazer game tonight with my brothers. GO BLAZERS!!!!!!!!

Beach Baby...

On monday, Jeff and I drove down to Lincoln City. It was our last time to the beach (for a while) and Cohen's first time! It was absolutely beautiful that day! We hit the outlet mall, had lunch at Kylo's, and then spent the rest of the time hanging out on the beach. It was SOOOO windy... but it didn't bother Cohen in the slightest! He was having so much fun! He wouldn't even look at us, he was soooo mesmerized with the sand. I honestly couldn't get him to look up at us, even once! If we picked him up, cause he would get sand in his face, he would scream until we put him back in the sand!! ha ha! it was so fun! So yeah, none of these pictures shows his face... but enjoy them anyway, we do!

Scruffy Puppy!!!

So for Christmas, Uncle Conrad and Auntie Tracey gave Cohen an I.O.U. for a build-a-bear adventure!! Oh and was it an adventure! It was so much fun following them around with a camera! Cohen was sooo happy! And completely fell in love with Scruffy Puppy! While Tracey walked around spoiling the puppy, Conrad held Cohen... oh my gosh it was soooo cute! It was just so fun! Thank you guys soooooo much for such a memorable evening!

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best buddies...

Monday, April 13, 2009

My last day...

Okay, I have just posted quite a few... and I think I'm done for the day! I just wanted one last post, to share my excitement..... Today was my last day of work!! It is my last day working Sundays... and my first day of being a stay at home mom for a while! Oh my gosh I can't believe it!

We are getting down to the end... we are moving in a week and half. It has flown by, and I still have SOOO much to do. I'm just glad I'm done working! :) Jeff's last day is Wednesday!

okay, g'night for now!!

Birthday's galore!

Within one week, there are three birthdays in our family! Conrad, Jeff and Allie's! These are just a few pictures from the events!
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Granpda Brent


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Bath time with Aunt Tracey!

Aunt Tracey and Cohen had so much fun at bath time last night!

I love these pictures! And of course the video!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Photo Shoot for Jeff!

As I posted before... it was Jeff's birthday on Friday. And for one of his presents, I took Cohen to get our pictures taken. Oh it was so fun! And they turned out so cute! I got an 8x10 framed for Jeff! He loved it, duh! So here are a few from the shoot!

The ZOO!

Last monday, it was beautiful outside! So my friend, Brittany and I decided to go to the Zoo with our cute kids! Well everyone in Portland had the same idea! We parked probably a mile away... it was insane! But it didn't stop us! It was really fun! I hadn't been to the Portland Zoo in probably 7 years. So of course I pull out my camera to take a picture of Cohen. I turn it on, and in the corner of the screen was a red number 2. Which only means ONE thing: I DON'T HAVE MY MEMORY CARD, AND I ONLY HAVE 2 PICTURES TO TAKE!!! Oh my gosh, I just about died. So Brittany, being the great friend that she is, offered to let me use her memory card. She pulls out her camera opens it up, and sees a little empty hole, where the memory card SHOULD be!! She didn't have her memory card either!!! Seriously.......................... wow. So after deleting a few pictures, we had about 10 pictures between the two of us to take. Well, I can't get the pictures off my camera yet... so here's a picture that Britt sent me. I'll post more once I get them. I can't believe that happened.

Other than that, it was a really fun day! We saw all the animals, even the little baby elephant! Thanks Britt!

This monkey was awesome!! (to the left of me with the blue face) He just stood there in front of the glass! We think he was looking after all the female monkeys. Either way, he was awesome!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Jeff!

In one hour, it will officially be Jeff's birthday! He is 27 years old! And I just wanted to take a second to express my love...

Jeff, I love you! I'm so proud to be your wife. you are the funniest person I know, and I just love that you love to have fun. You are THE BEST DAD! Oh my gosh you can just tell how much Cohen loves you. I can not wait to watch the two of you playing or even watching sports together... :) You are such a hard worker, and such a GOOD person. You would do anything for your friends and family. I have had a great time these last couple of years getting to know you. And I can't wait to learn more! I love our inside jokes, and I love that you will watch Desperate Housewives with me! I love that you're a better cleaner than me! You are so sweet and down to earth.

I hope you have a wonderful birthday. You deserve every bit of it! I love you with all my heart and so does Cohen (he told me today)!

Love, me

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Here comes the sun!

Today was UNBELIEVABLY BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! I had to work this morning... but as soon as I got home we packed up a lunch and headed for the park! Oh it was just soooo fun! Cohen had a blast rolling around on the blanket, pulling grass and sticking it in his mouth! We then put Cohen on his FIRST swing!! He loved it! It was sooo cute! So we took as many pictures as we could before the batteries died. :(

My Sweet boys in the sunshine.

Cohen enjoying the swing!

We had such a wonderful day today as our little family. I love spring time. The trees and the flowers are blooming, and they are just beautiful! Oregon is just such a pretty place. I will TRULY miss it terribly!

After Cohen's nap, and dinner time, we felt like we really needed to take advantage of this weather, so we took a walk. I do have to admit, that we had the shades closed most of the day. I hated it, cause I just wanted the sun to shine in.. but it was so hot in here!! blah! We actually had to get the fan out!

I'm just really happy that we got to spend this day together in this wonderful weather. We lucked out that it was nice on a day that jeff wasn't working!


Thursday, April 2, 2009

my little dancin' machine

Cohen had a doctor's appointment today. And the poor little guy had to get those stupid shots. He weighs 18.5 pounds and he is 27 inches long. He is in the 25th percentile for weight, and height. They actually had to measure him two different times, cause a different nurse came in and said that the first measurment was smaller than the measurment they took two months ago!! Anyhooooo.... His doctor said that everything looks good! So I'm happy!

Here is a video I took last night. While i was feeding him, I turned on some music and this is what happened! Oh I just love him!!