My sweet baby boy is 8 months old today! These last couple of months have FLOWN by!!! And just within the last two weeks he has changed soooo much!! He is totally rolling allllll over the place. He isn't quite crawling... he just goes backwards! He gets up on his knees and rocks back and forth, which is so stinkin cute! While we've been here in Utah, I've been trying a lot more food with him. He seems to be getting the hang of it. Oh he is just my pride and joy. I LOVE that everyone has been able to spend so much time with him here. But I do miss him after a while! :) He has the cutest little personality... and he is just such a good baby! I don't ever have to worry about taking him anywhere. In fact... mothers don't gasp.... I took him to the movie! All of us adults took all the little kids to see Monsters VS. Aliens. He was sooooo good through the whole thing! I swore i wouldn't ever take him to a movie, but I really wanted to go with everyone, and I didn't want my mother-in-law to have to stay home with him. The movie is actually really good! There are sooo many good actors in it!
Okay.... well here are some pictures from today. We just got this tie for him. TOOO Cute!!! My in-laws have a easter egg hunt every year, and they decided to do it early since we were here. We made out good!!! They put money in the eggs, and prizes. I got $58. and Jeff got $75!!!! So there's a picture of me with my money... and Bob ready to hand out the $$!! So fun!!
We celebrated Jeff's birthday today. His birthday is April 10th. But they wanted to have a party for him while we were here. Thanks to everyone that came! It was a lot of fun!