Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm speechless

I love this little boy so much!!!
So last week he rolled over! Except, he hasn't done it since, and I have no proof of it!! :( So hopefully he will do it again soon, and I can get a video!
Last night I was so tired. Like too tired to even get out of bed to get Cohen. I made Jeff get up and bring him to me to feed in the night. Well he ended up sleeping next to me all night. and can I just say how sweet that was! Oh my gosh it was honestly the best waking up to his sweet little face this morning. It honestly made my day!! And we just laid there while he touched my face, and I played with his hands. I am just speechless... I am so in love with this little boy! :)


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh those are the cutest pictures EVER!!

The Jen said...

Having... hard... time... making... words...too...cute...

Oh by the way Gwen started saying our family prayers the other day. And they go something like this...

Heavenly Father, grateful for this day, grateful for (or "bless" or "thankful for" just depends on the moment) Jefferson, Daddy, Baby Cohen, and Mommy. Then sometimes she gets confused and goes through the list again. Jesus Christ, Amen.

One time Baby Cohen made the list and I didn't :)

Anonymous said...

I look at this page about 15 times a day :)

And I love Jenny's comment!

Carrie Ross said...

Jen he is so cute! He looks just like his Daddy! The rolling over is so exciting! I think I called everyone I know the day that Wrigley rolled over for the first time....just wait til they start to crawl. Every stage they go through is so amazing! Sometimes I wonder what i was doing with my life before I became a Mommy. It's the best!

Unknown said...

omigoodness! he's lifting his head so well! how awesome! Brookelyn does this awesome rythmic bob while she's trying to lift her head that I'm thinking of dubbing music to...I can't believe he rolled over you realize he'll be sitting on his own soon? How come time drags by when you're pregnant but once they get here is flies and suddenly you're missing the newborn you once had....>sigh<

Anonymous said...

I can't WAIT to kiss his cheeks tonight!!

Jen Hester said...

He is SO CUTE!!! I can't wait to see you all. 3 more days. Yea!!!!

shanda said...

that is so cute. I can't belive how cute he looks. He looks just like the both of you. I wish I was in Utah to be with you guys. Love and miss you

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