Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Snips and snails and puppy dog tails...

So this is what Cohen was for Halloween! A cute little puppy!! Oh he was so cute! He wouldn't really let me put make-up on his nose... so it's kinda all over... :)

We didn't go trick-or-treating.... we just hung out at my parents house with Tracey and Conrad, and handed out candy. But of course we had to dress him up for the night!! It only lasted about 30 minutes.... Just enough to get a few pictures!

He was watching the Blazer game with Grandpa Brent, here. He was pretty out of it... so cute.

It took like 6 pictures to get my dad to look somewhat normal in a picture!! ha ha....

Cute picture of Cohen and Aunt Tracey.

Okay, so for our anniversary, as I posted in my last post, Jeff and I went to The Vintage Hotel in downtown Portland for our 3 year anniversary. Well, I wanted some proof of this night, so I took some fun pictures! At like 8 pm, we were ready for bed... and we looked at the clock and realized what time it was! What dorks are we?!?! So we went to Safeway and got some junk food, and then watched a movie on pay-per-view! It was pretty fun! Felt like the days when we were dating.... minus the hotel room! :)

This was my treat... a box of random pepperidge farms cookies and a sobe

Here is Jeff after like 5 minutes of persuading him to smile for a picture!!!

And this is him after taking like 30 pictures!!! ha ha....


Matt and Marti Jo said...

oh he is such a cute puppy! And congrats! I can not believe that it has already been three years!

Brittany Schmidt said...

He is growing up so fast! Congrats on the big 3 years. Your hotel looks fantastic!!!

Anonymous said...

Seriously?? You consider that to be a "cute picture of Aunt Tracey and Cohen"??

The Original TomKat said...

You have the cutest little puppy! That is the funniest costuem...right down to the little bone!

I'm glad you guys got to go out for your anniversary - PS...you're not dorks...I'd go to bed that early too if I were sleep deprived.

shanda said...

those pics are so freaking cute. I love his outfit

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