Grandpa Brent says he will be born July 30 at 9:37 PM PST. He will weigh 8 lb 5 oz, and will be 20 1/2" long. His name will be: Barabus Joshua Long. (again, thanks IS needed!)
My prediction: He will be born Saturday, August 2 at 2:45 am. He will weigh 9 lbs, 2 oz, and will be 21 inches long. His name will be Jackson Thomas Long. I love you Baby Long, whatever your name is, whatever day and time you are born, and however much you weigh and measure!! Grandma Lish
Ok so I keep checking your blog thinking that there are going to be new baby pictures on here. What the heck have that baby already! HA HA Jk my guess is 8\2\08 and he will be 8 pounds 2 oz and 21 inches long :) good luck!
Aunt Ethleen predicts:
Sterling Long will be born Aug 1
wt 7 lb 13.5 oz, 21 inches long.
I'm voting August 2 at 12:34pm, 7 lbs. 8 oz, 20 inches long.
Mr. Cutest Baby Long will be born on his due date (no thanks needed Jen) at 11:24 p.m. He will weigh 8 lbs even and will be 21 inches long :)
Luke's guess is 8 lbs 3ounces, 21 inces long, on July 31st. The baby will be known as Ephraim (pronounced EE-fry-'em.) Again no thanks needed.
Grandpa Brent says he will be born July 30 at 9:37 PM PST. He will weigh 8 lb 5 oz, and will be 20 1/2" long. His name will be: Barabus Joshua Long. (again, thanks IS needed!)
My prediction:
He will be born Saturday, August 2 at 2:45 am. He will weigh 9 lbs, 2 oz, and will be 21 inches long. His name will be Jackson Thomas Long.
I love you Baby Long, whatever your name is, whatever day and time you are born, and however much you weigh and measure!!
Grandma Lish
Ok I am just throughing this out there. July 29th at 11:40 pm
7lb 17oz 14"
Ok so I keep checking your blog thinking that there are going to be new baby pictures on here. What the heck have that baby already! HA HA Jk my guess is 8\2\08 and he will be 8 pounds 2 oz and 21 inches long :) good luck!
So me and Tatton are thinking August 4th, 8lbs 4 oz, and 21 inches long...
Hmm... I'm gonna just go crazy here and say today, July 29, around noonish. Aaand... he'll weigh 9 pounds, and be 20 inches long.
Congratulations Jen and Jeff! I'm so excited for you to be parents, how fun. I can't wait to see some pics :)
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