Wednesday, July 9, 2008

37 Weeks.... three (or so) to go!

So yesterday I had my weekly appointment, and I am happy to report that I'm dilated to 1 cm, and 70% effaced! Woohoo!! I'm just lookin for some progress, and I got some! My midwife couldn't believe the progress I made in just one week. I'm not getting my hopes up that it will be early, infact, I'm pretty positive I'll be quite late... It's just nice to know something's goin on!

Last night while I was trying to get to sleep, I felt some really sharp pains in my stomach. It felt like the worst cramps imaginable. I couldn't even get out of bed. At first I just figured it was gas, cause it couldn't have been contractions... so I fell asleep. Then about an hour later, I woke up with the pain again! By then Jeff was home from work, so I pushed my way out of bed, and told him what was going on. It kind of went away, so I went back to bed. but as soon as I laid down, it started again! I was so frustrated, cause I didn't know what it was! I just laid there and all I could think about was if I REALLY was in labor! And then I started FREAKING out!!! I kept thinking, I can't have this baby yet, I still need to organize the baby's closet, and I need to shampoo the carpet, and pack my hospital bag, and give Baxter a bath, and wash all the baby clothes!!! I couldn't get all that out of my head! I KNEW I wasn't going into labor, but I kept thinking, I CAN'T BE EARLY, I'M NOT READY! :) Wow, I'm officially nesting! well, the pain is gone, and I still don't know what happened... but all I know is now I have some more time to clean!


Anonymous said...

I'm really glad that your big concern was giving Baxter a bath. Cause there's just nooooo way you could raise a baby with a dirty kitty around!! Haha!

The Todd Family said...

Congrats on the progression! That's very exciting news!!!

Matt and Marti Jo said...

hi Jen this is Marti! Carrie told me you had a blog.You are so funny. I was laughing when I read your blog! You are so close to having your baby! Yay! You need to come to Utah again soon!

shanda said...

Wow I can't belive that it is here. Did you know that Janell my sister is only 6 day behing you. That is just so crazy. You look so so cute. You are a great pregnet person. Keep in touch I love that blog.

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