Sunday, August 30, 2009

Saturday in SLC

Last saturday, Jeff and I decided to go up to Temple Square in Salt Lake! It was a lot of fun! We walked around, took lots of pictures, and just sat in the grass enjoying each others company. We were trying so hard to get Cohen walking on video... but it didn't really work. He is much smarter than us! :) It ended up being like 104 degrees, so we had to leave earlier than we wanted.

It was very fun... Jeff and I haven't been to temple square for a long time... so it was very nice.

It's gone!

I have been VERY bored with my hair for a long time. I dyed it, that didn't work, I trimmed it, that didn't work, I dyed it again.... Finally I came to the conclusion that I just needed to chop it off! So last thursday night, I did it! My good cousin (in-law) Sara cut it. And I love it! It's definitely something to get used to. I can barely put it in a pony tail! She cut 11 inches to donate to Locks of Love, and then she cut a few more inches off after that! GEEEEEEZ!! So here it is!

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Oh just an evening with my cute boy...

After dinner and after bath time, Jeff was at mutual (yes, he's in the young men's now!!), So it was just Cohen and myself. His new favorite place in the house, is the kitchen. Oh all the places he can explore! Here are two videos I took tonight.

Okay, seriously.... Cohen has a little radio toy thing, that sticks to the fridge, and plays music. He loves it! And he dances all the time to it. However, I never can catch him with my camera! Until now! Please enjoy.... we certainly do! :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cohen & Brookelyn: BFFs!

When Cohen and I pulled in from our trip to St. George, we were greeted by our next adventure for the weekend! Tatton and Kirsten Hymas, and their daughter Brookelyn, were here to stay with us for the weekend! Tatton and i have known each other since we were about seven years old! It's so fun to be old married parents now! :) Anyway.... they stopped in to unload their stuff, and get a quick nap in before they left for their friend's wedding reception. So while they were sleeping, Cohen and Brookelyn entertained Jeff and I!! Oh MY GOSH... they were such little friends!!! Cohen doesn't have ANYONE his age to play with. Brookelyn is like four weeks younger than him... so my oh my, they just had a blast together. And we had a blast watching them play and follow each other around! :) (ummm I guess you need to click on the underlined text to make the picture below bigger...???)

On Saturday we drove up Provo Canyon to Bridal Veil Falls. Tatton and Kirsten's Friends from Green River, met up with us too. We had such a fun afternoon just hanging out in the grass watching all the kids play together! And... SURPRISE!! Cohen TOOK HIS FIRST STEPS THERE!!! Oh my gosh it was so awesome!!! All of a sudden, Jeff says, "ummm Cohen just took two steps!" But NO ONE else saw!! So I didn't believe him! :) But then he took three more! Yeah, I started crying..... I just couldn't believe it! Oh it was just so perfect!

Top middle picture... our son the model! :) Brookelyn loved Cohen's Binky... and always tried to steal it! Ahhh they were just so cute together!

So Tatton and kirsten were lucky to be there for Cohen's first steps... and we were lucky to be there for Brookelyn's first time on the swing!! Ha ha... it was priceless! She was totally freaked out at first. Not screaming or crying.... but like her face was just fearful! it was sooo cute!

Here they are in action, just being stinkin cute! I am truly sad that Cohen and Brookelyn don't live closer. However, Rexburg isn't TOO far away. We'll have to make a trip up there so they can play... and we can play! :)

Our fun week in Saint George!!

Last week, Gail, Jenny, and myself, took all the grand kids to their house in Saint George! Three moms, and seven kids! It was definitely hectic, but also a lot of fun! We spent most of our time at the swimming pool, since it was 106 degrees most days! There are a lot of pictures... so enjoy!
This was my first time at the St. George temple!!! I couldn't believe how BEAUTIFUL it is!!! It is the whitest white you can imagine! Ashlynn was walking around the temple... I kid you not... holding her dress up like a princess! So i told her to turn around, and I snapped a picture! :) Our little diva! I think the ones of all the kids together turned out awesome!

Gail kept the three littlest boys at home, while Jenny and I took the rest of the kids to check out the sites. We went to Jacob Hamblin's home, and also to Brigham Young's winter home. It was really fun! VERY interesting! I learned a lot of really cool facts about them! At Brigham Young's home, he had almond trees, and a pecan tree! I had NEVER seen that before! We were able to pick them off and try em! It was sooo cool! I hate nuts... but that was until I tried a fresh almond picked by yours truly! :) There's a picture above with the three boys and their pecan nuts they found!

Ahhhh the swimming pool!! It was sooo stinkin hot there! So it was very nice to have a clubhouse we could go to and swim! Oh the kids were so cute in the pool! Cohen usually LOVES the water, but this time he was a little fussy with it.... who knows. He did like the waterfall though! Please notice that picture of the three boys jumping in... SO CUTE!

On the car ride home, Cohen decided he would surprise us with a little Peek-a-Boo!! And here is also his wave: