Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The best $4.00 we've ever spent!

Cohen LOVES cars, trucks, anything with wheels! He L.O.V.E.S them. Going through our toys, we really didn't have too many. So Last night Jeff and I took Cohen to the dollar store, and we picked out four cars/trucks. We got home, opened them up, and they have been glued to his hands ever since!! It has been a little over 24 hours, and I have not seen him without them! Actually......... I wouldn't let him take them in the tub... :(
Last night at bed time, I tried to put them away before we started reading books. yeah, that didn't go over too well. So while I read stories, he had a car in each hand! Then when I put him in his crib, I took them away again. I gave in, once again. I didn't think it would be that bad if he had them in bed with him. Well, Jeff and I were downstairs, and had the monitor on.... an hour after I put him down, we could hear him still awake!! So I went in his room, and when the light hit his face, you could tell he was SOOOO tired. He could hardly open his eyes... but there he was playing with his cars!!! Just pushing them around in his crib!!! Oh my gosh, I am laughing just thinking about it!! :) So, yes I had to take his cars away. He then lied down, and went to sleep!

Definitely the BEST $4.00 we've ever spent!!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

...Pumpkin Patch...

Thursday night we decided to take our little family to the pumpkin patch! It was sooo much fun! I jumped online, and found Mabey's patch, it was such a cute little farm! It was quite the find! They even served free doughnuts and apple juice! :) I think that was Cohen's favorite part. We thought Cohen would just run wild out in the field... but he kinda wouldn't leave our side! We still had fun, and we all three got very perfect pumpkins!

Stay tuned for the results, after we carve them!! :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

In -N- out ..... how should I be feeling?

So since the first time I ever had In-N-Out, with my little sis, Allie, in San Francisco, on Fisherman's wharf about 6 years ago.. I have been unbelievably, happily, HOOKED! In fact, I don't think I've ever met someone that has not liked this magic burger. I have lost count, how many times I have visited this wonderful joint. Is it because when you are there, it means you are in the warm lovely state that is California, or even Nevada? is it because the fries are just perfectly fried, or the burgers are so fresh and delicious, or the shakes are just perfectly shaken? hmmm...

Well in just a couple more months, there will be an In -n- Out, opening about ten minutes from me, in Utah. I pass by, and see the progress, and i get mixed feelings every time. There are also three more due to open within the next 6 months around here too. You are probably asking yourself... "ummm why is this lady not extremely excited about this?!?" Well let me explain....

It starts back to when I was in high school. For my senior gift from my parents, my dad, and a family friend, took me to San Francisco!! The whole trip, my dad would not stop talking about Krispy Kreme doughnuts. He said we HAD to try them while we were there. While we were at the Giants baseball game, my dad found a box, and brought them to us. When I opened the box, I will admit I was kinda disappointed!! For years I had heard about this "KRISPY KREME" that was soooo delicious. but it was just a glazed doughnut! ha ha!! yes, it was delicious, and it DID melt in my mouth. When I moved to utah the following winter, I was so excited that I would be so close to a Krispy Kreme. We did not have them in the Northwest, so my family would be so excited every time I would come home to visit, cause I would bring home ten boxes!! After I moved home, my sisters and I took a trip up to Seattle to visit Ikea, and then hit the Krispy Kreme... since they had finally built one in the great Northwest! It was by no means, on our way.... but it was SOOO worth it. Long story short... they came up EVERYWHERE.... literally... EVERYWHERE!!! So now, they are no big deal... in fact, I don't remember the last time I even had one.

MY POINT: In -N- Out is such a wonderful place. Does Utah really deserve to have this here? When you think of In-n-Out, don't you think of palm trees, warm weather, the beach, vacation???? Not the state that is known for SNOW! Also... I'm afraid that this situation will happen:

me: so where should we go for dinner tonight???
jeff: how about In-N-Out?
me: nah... we had it three days ago.

Okay, I'm totally going off about this, but I've been thinking about this, since the first day I drove by the most magnificent sign reading: "In-N-Out coming soon!"

all in all... In -N- Out is coming!!! YIPPPPPEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

diaper genie, or diaper devil??!??

okay people... I need your help. If you have a dirty diaper keeping device, will you please give me your opinion???? I currently have a diaper genie, the first one, the original. I have had it since Cohen was born. However, I HATE it. It wreaks SOOOOO bad. I never could smell it when he was younger... maybe his diapers are stinkier now.??.. or maybe the diaper genie just sucks. Either way, I neeeeeeeeed a different system. They have so many out there now, that I just don't know what to think. I would SERIOUSLY appreciate your opinion on this. Do a mom a favor!
Thank you!!!