So a little update... He's sleeping about 10 hours straight. It used to be 12, but for about a week and half now he's been waking up at 5 or 6 for a feeding. weird. I'm not really sure what threw him off. He is sooo happy all the time! Baxter is his new favorite thing, so is his stuffed hippo. He's throwing up significantly less! He brings his father and I more joy than we could have ever imagined. Every day there's something new, and even more reasons for my heart to melt!
What a cuttie!
omischmokes!!! SO.ADORABLE.
and I cant believe he is half a year old already!!!
Yeah that class was so FUN. Thanks for the invite. Cohen is absolutely adorable!!!
HOLY CUTENESS!!!! He so doesn't look like a baby! Especially the one where he's laying on his side holding himself up on his freaking cute little chunk of an arm - he looks like he's about to graduate seminary!! I really can't even stand it. I've decided Conrad and I will just keep him for you. He's obviousy not a Utah sort of a gent. I know, I know. You don't have to thank me. That's what sisters are for!
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