Saturday, September 21, 2013

First day!

It's official!! Cohen has started school, 
and is now a Kindergartener! 
He has been waiting for this day for a VERY long time!

Giving loves to everyone!! He had a HUGE smile on his face all morning!

My little boy. He's grown so much this summer. In so many ways. I'm so proud of him. So proud that he loves learning, and trying new things. I'm so excited with this next year brings for him.

In his classroom at his desk
Saying goodbye to his little sis

His teacher, Mrs. Marlia, helping him "check in"
Cohen really wanted to ride the bus. From day one he said he wanted to. Well he got a little day cared the first day. But by day 2 - he was a pro! I can NOT believe he is a bus rider! He's so brave!
Waiting for the bus! Notice Molly in her slippers :)
getting on - completely fearless...
getting off at the end of the day!

Good luck, my sweet Cohen on your school year!!! I love you!

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