Monday, May 31, 2010

Our life the last week...

I've had requests for more pictures... however, every picture I take of Molly, looks like the one I took a few hours before! :) So here ya go!

Cohen is absolutely adorable with Molly. He loves her so much! We're still trying to teach him to be soft with her... I really think he's going to think her name is "soft" or "gentle"!! He totally talks baby talk to her... and I'm not even sure where he got it from! He always has to make sure to give her kisses before he goes to bed... just so sweet!

We gave Molly a bath last night, and I had an image in my mind on how it was going to go. Not even close! Molly hated it. Cohen was sure cute watching though! He is SUCH a sweet big brother!!! :)

Oh I just love my kids!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Molly oh Molly!

Well we have been home now since saturday afternoon. It has been fun adjusting to a newborn again. She has been a very good little girl! She sleeps well, eats well, and is just so stinkin cute! :) We finally brought Cohen home today. I have missed him soooooooooooo much. I'm not kidding. I think that's been the hardest thing about having a new baby. He has been at Jeff's parent's house since wednesday night, and I just missed him. I want him to feel so loved, and not 'pushed aside'... And I know it's going to be such an adjustment to share my love and my attention to both of my little sweethearts. Everyone kept telling me how big he's going to seem compared to the baby.... and I didn't really feel that way, until today. I was showing Cohen Molly's foot. And then I asked Cohen to show me his foot. And when he grabbed it, It hit me how big Cohen really is! :) It was really cute. And then checking on Cohen tonight after he fell asleep... what a big boy he is! Oh my gosh I love him so much.

I am going to try to get some pictures of Cohen with Molly tomorrow. He just acts so fast, that there's no way i can get one with her! So here are some of Molly.

This is right before we left the hospital. Auntie Allie sent her this outfit, and it was a perfect 'going home' outfit! :)
A cute little smile from a cute little girl. On the way home!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Our sweet little Molly

Well she is here. It is still pretty surreal that I have this precious little baby laying right next to me right now. I am a mother of two! sooo crazy. Everything went so much better than I could have ever anticipated.

Tuesday morning, at my weekly check, I was dilated to 5 cm! I was shocked, and I'm pretty sure everyone else was too. My midwife started laughing cause it was just so crazy! At my appointment, she told me not to wait to go to the hospital as soon as I started feeling painful contractions, cause I wouldn't have time to wait! She said not to brush my teeth, not to do my hair, not even time the contractions! So it kinda freaked me out a little. I felt like I couldn't leave the house, in fear that I would go into labor, and I wouldn't make it to the hospital in time! So Wednesday afternoon, I called my midwife and asked what she recommended. She gave me the option of being induced. I really didn't want to be induced (before being a 5 so fast), but I was too stressed out about not making it to the hospital... so I took it.

Thursday night, I couldn't sleep at all. And then all morning I was on edge, waiting for the call for me to go have the baby. At 10:30 am, they called and said they were ready for me to come in at 11:30! It was the WEIRDEST feeling.... oh hey, let's go have a baby now!! So we got to the hospital, checked in, got in my lovely gown, answered a million billion questions, and then my midwife came in and checked me. I was dilated to a 6 1/2!!! It was so crazy!! all the nurses couldn't believe it! So at 1 pm they started the pitocin, an hour later they gave me an epidural, an hour after that I was dilated to a ten, and at 4:50 pm I started pushing!! TWENTY FIVE minutes after pushing, Molly was welcomed! So from start to finish I was in labor for 4 hours and 15 minutes! A WAAAAY different experience than with Cohen! It was just wonderful.
Her name is Molly Lola. Lola is my grandma's name. A woman I truly admire. So I am honored to name my baby girl after my wonderful grandmother! I know that my grandma was in heaven, preparing Molly to join our family. And I hope she inherits some of the wonderful traits that has been passed down through me, to her!

She weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces and is 18 inches long. Which I found out last night, that's how much I weighed when I was born, as well as her aunties, Allie and Tracey! Just wanted to keep the tradition alive I guess! :) She has light hair, I would almost say blonde! With blonde eyebrows and blonde eye lashes! She is so sweet! And she is doing a WONDERFUL job nursing!! It's been amazing! A true night and day difference with Cohen. Speaking of Cohen....

Last night we had many visitors! Jeff's whole family came: Nick, Jessica, Jenny, Brock, Bob and Gail... and of course they brought my mister Cohen buns. OH MY GOSH how I missed him. As soon as he walked in the door he started crying. So it was pretty hard. All I wanted to do was snuggle him, and give him kisses, but he wouldn't even come near me. After a while of being here, he finally would go to the baby, and give her kisses, and point to her, and at one point he gave her a lovely big brother poke in the face!! :) So hopefully today he'll act a little better, and give me some loves, cause I definitely miss his loves!
Jeff has been absolutely wonderful. He was a great labor coach for me, and he's just sooooo sweet with Molly. It's just so cute seeing him snuggle her, and talk to her. It's the best!! :) I can't wait to see if she's a daddy's girl! He has been also wonderful taking care of me, and waiting on me!

I feel so blessed to be a mother. To have welcomed a beautiful, healthy, precious baby girl. I am so thankful to my heavenly Father for blessing me with the family that I have. My husband, my sweet Cohen, and precious Molly. And also for my family and Jeff's family. For all of their love and support. I am so excited for this new chapter in our life!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Long time, eh?

Holy cow, has it been a LONG time since I've been on here. So much has been going on... and everytime I think about updating this, I keep thinking how many pictures I need to post, and blah blah blah... and then I get overwhelmed, and just give up! So there will not be any pictures tonight... HEY, at least I'm doing this much!

We are moved, and almost fully moved in! We love this house! It's so cute, and it's perfect for Cohen! We have a gigantic backyard, that Cohen just loves! His other favorite place in the house, is the garage... go figure! We let him just run around in there, and he just laughs and laughs! On saturday, we spent most of the morning outside doing yard work! Jeff mowed the lawn, while I dug out all the weeds to get my flower bed ready! I didn't get much done, running after Cohen, and keeping him out of the street... but it was still nice to just be outside! Right across the street from our house, is a huge field with over 35 cows (yes, I've counted)!! Cohen absolutely loves it! So we are constantly listening to him moooing! :)

Cohen is still as cute as ever... learning more and more things each day. He now does the sound for an elephant and pigs! AND on saturday, he learned what a bug was and proudly says BUG! I'm feeling as though that we're entering into the "terrible two's" We won't get into that right now though!

So we have 13 days until I'm due! CRAZY!! Yesterday at my appointment, I was dilated to 3 cm! She actually thinks I'm more than that, but the exam was pretty painful... so we ended it with that! I can't believe I'm THAT far a long already! It kinda freaks me out a little, and makes it soooo real. So I've been a little on edge last night, and today. I washed her onesies, and blankets and such today, and got the car seat ready.... I just can't believe this time is here already! I can't wait to meet our little girl though.

I guess that's really it for now. I'll try and post pictures soon... And of course I'll keep you updated on this baby!