Alright, so it's been awhile....... so sue me. I guess I've been putting most of my blogging effort into my new challenge. I'll try and sum up the last little while!
Molly: A little over 17 months old. She is a little firecracker! I swear, she turned into a teenager over night! She voices her opinion... often. She L.O.V.E.S dancing... and she recently learned how to sing along to her favorite song. It's a song from the movie 'Rio'... her favorite movie! Could be because it's easy to say, who knows! Either way, it's fetchin cute! She is the sweetest, little thing on the planet...and loves giving kisses, blowing kisses, 'loves' (hugs), and tons of snuggles! She loves playing with her brother's trucks, trains, 'Cars' toys, animals and occasionally her doll. She loves coloring, which is fun, because Cohen never really got into it... Our wonderful Nursery leader at church has been letting Molly join in! She's not technically supposed to start for a few more weeks.. but Sis. Gibb is the BEST! And Molly loves it! (so does Mommy and daddy!) We love her to pieces... and we love watching her learn things everyday!
Cohen: Almost 3 1/2 years old. Oh my little Cohen buns... He seriously surprises me everyday with his personality, and funny things he says and does. He is quite the little comedian! And LOVES telling jokes! And then afterwards, he'll laugh and say, "Is that funny, mama?!" He's a riot. He still loves animals, and I, myself, have learned so much about animals because of him! It's amazing how much he knows about them. He knows three types of Monkeys by looking at the pictures: Apes, chimpanzees, and orangutans. Don't believe me?? Just ask him! He is loving going to pre-school, and it's so fun to go through his backpack and look at the fun stuff he made that day, and see what he's learning. I'm just so proud of him. He loves life, and new adventures. He LOVES his friends, and truly cares about others. Oh I just love him.
As for Jeff and I? Same ol' stuff! Jeff is staying busy with work, which is awesome. And occasionally he'll throw in a round of golf. I'm staying busy with my two little busy-bodies... and my food blog. And occasionally throwing in some running with my friends!
stay tuned for recent pics!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Punkin Patch!
We headed to Bauman's Farm for our pumpkin pickin this year! That place was way further than we thought it was going to be. But it ended up being an awesome place! They had a HUGE petting zoo, which is right up our ally!
Somehow this little goat got out. And it just wandered around. We were the only ones in the barn, so Cohen ran right up to it! So did Molly! It really surprised me that they were not afraid of it. We got a video of the kids chasing the goat around, but it won't let me upload it for some reason.
Can you find Cohen here?
After finding our most perfect pumpkins, we headed to Red Robin for dinner. The kids were so good in there. And as always, so cute! :)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
little ouchie
While Cohen was at preschool this morning, I took advantage of some mommy/daughter time and went shopping with my little girl! We were in Target, and Molly was turned backwards in the cart (anyone else HATE the carts at Target?! Just me???) Anyway... she was buckled in, but turned around. She kept putting her head back, as far as she could until she could see me. Then I would either kiss her forehead, or tickle the front of her neck. She would giggle so loud! It was pretty cute. Then after 5 or 6 times of this, I went to go tickle her neck, and she started laughing so hard that she flipped her head forward, and bashed her head on the cart! She started screaming, so I picked her up to love her. I pulled her back to make sure all was okay, and sure enough her left eye was covered with blood. I was freaking out (in the inside). I didn't have my phone, so I couldn't call anyone. I didn't know if she needed stitches, I didn't know anything. So I wiped her eye with a baby wipe, and it looked okay to me. And it had stopped bleeding. So hopefully all will be okay. Hopefully it's not black and blue in the morning.
My sweet little Mollykins.......
Cohen the little school boy...
This is Cohen's preschool teacher (and my dear friend!), Miss Mary. She is so sweet, and so great with those boys! I love it when Cohen comes home and we go through his backback to see what he did that day! And he just lights up when we talk about his school.
I love this cute little boy!!! I must say... He has a new saying. "I promise, mama!" So when he wants something, he will say, "I need that ___, Mom I promise!" It's pretty dang cute.
I love him.