Cohen loves playing Peek-a-boo with Molly... and Molly has learned to do it too! They are just the cutest little friends! We have added a lot of solid foods to her diet this past month... beans, eggs, cheese (her favorite), tomatoes (not her fav), peas & carrots... and tonight she inhaled two slices of apples! She is waving, and pointing... and she's standing freely! She'll be walking before we know it! Cohen is an active little busy-body! However, when he's not running around in circles (literally), we find him sitting quietly with a book. It doesn't have to be anything specific... just any book, or pamphlet out of a dvd case! :) He learned the alphabet in about a week, and now can count to 10! He loves pointing out letters on just about anything. He is SUCH a sweet boy, and loves his sister, mommy and daddy! Oh, and Grandma and Grandpa! :)
Jeff started his new job a couple weeks ago. He's working for my dad's computer company as a marketing consultant/IT technician. He's really enjoying it. He also started taking college courses this past Monday! It's been awhile since he's been in school... but he's really excited for his new adventure. He will be getting a degree in web design.
I have 5 1/2 weeks left until I graduate!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holllllyyyyy Moly... that went by fast! I can't believe it. The one thing I'm looking forward to when I'm done, is sleeping. I know, it should be taking a trip with my family, or playing with the kids... but I am TIRED. I'm having a blast in school! And can't really wait til it's over! :)
Wellllll.... I guess that's our little family for now!