My little princess...
My darling little girl is 3 months old today! I love her so much... more and more everyday! She is growing into such a precious, sweet little thing. And I'm so excited for her new phases! Last week she rolled over for the first time! She's done it quite a few times since... Jeff has yet to see it in person... but I do have it on video! The video is just reeeeaaaallly long... cause i was waiting for quite awhile before she actually rolled! :) otherwise I'd post it for you all! I just can't believe she's already rolling over! And we just started putting her in our Bumbo. Oh, just so cute! We weighed her today, and she ways in at 14 pounds!She is SUCH a chatter box!! I think we might have another 'Gwen' in the family! My very favorite thing she does right now... it melts my heart everytime.... is while nursing her, she locks eyes with mine, she stops eating, smiles, and then just starts chattering! Like she is just chattin with her mama about her day! OH MY GOSH I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
This outfit is courtesy of Jeff's Aunt Kris! I thought it was appropriate for her 3 month pictures! I finally got Cohen to hold Molly! He actually LOVES holding her now! But for just a second... then he's bored and onto the next thing! :) Cohen L.O.V.E.S his baby sister. Oh my goodness, he constantly has to know where she is (which can be a bad thing, when she's sleeping!)... and always has to make sure she gets kisses when he wakes up, she wakes up, he goes to bed, she goes to bed, or just whenever he thinks about it.
Priceless right?!
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