I decided to take Cohen to the library. I feel like Cohen kinda gets shafted, since Molly has been born. Not that I mean to. But we spend most of our days inside. If you knew Cohen, you would understand why.... He has A LOT of energy... so we can't just 'go outside'. It involves A LOT to just 'go outside'! And to haul around a newborn outside just doesn't sound too appealing to me! ANYHOOO... So i decided to take them to the library for story time. We get there right after they already started, so here I am carrying in Molly in the car seat, and Cohen starts running for the little kid's books. I sit down in between two moms, just hoping Cohen will behave in the other room, since story time was in the room where I was. Instantly, Molly starts screaming. Side note: Molly HATES her car seat. I'm not kidding. She could be in the best mood, just have been fed, and the second I put her in her car seat, she screams. And if the car seat stops moving, like putting her in a shopping cart... same thing. So I take Molly out of her car seat, and I'm trying to console her, while Cohen is running all around the library! Thankfully we go to one that is really small. All of a sudden, Molly throws up alllllllllllll over my shirt, and it also lands on the chair next to me, AND on the floor. LOVELY. Then, from around the corner, I can hear Cohen screaming, and banging on the door. So i run over to grab him, while holding Molly, and he is screaming, cause I won't let him out the back door (he can see there's a park behind the library). So finally I give up. I go into the other room to put Molly back in her car seat, while she's screaming, and try to get Cohen. Cohen had a book about farm animals, he would not let go. So I am carrying him in one arm, and molly in the other. We go and check the book out. Well Cohen refused to let the book out of his hands to be scanned. I'm sure the librarian was just so pleased with us... as well as the other mothers there for a peaceful story time!! :) I finally get him in the car. whew.....
This all happened in FIVE MINUTES!!
After we got home and had lunch, I was at my wits end (I actually don't know what that means, but my mom says it!). Finally it was time for nap time. I put Cohen down, I feed Molly and put her down. a little while later, I go check on Cohen and tuck him in. What a flippin sweetie, and cutie pie. I then realized how grateful I am for nap time. Heavenly Father, definitely didn't need to require us to have naps. So I really think they are for Mothers, to re-coup, re-focus, BREATHE. That way when they wake up, we have chilled long enough to forget that we wanted to ship them off somewhere... We are excited to start the next part of the day! And man, its nice that they are stinkin cute!!
Hahahahahahaha........oh MAN! I seriously underestimated how hard it is to take two kids these ages out in public without the help of a hubby! This story is just classic, CLASSIC, because that really is the life of a mom. Oh girl, your blog is so fun to read, it's like talking to you on the phone. Can't wait to see you again!
Jen, you probably don't remember when you were little and you guys would say, "I don't need a nap, I'm not tired." and I would say, "maybe not, but I AM tired, so you need to take a nap!" Yes, naps are for Mommies!
You crack me up Jen! Saying that Cohen loves being outside is an understatement. I was amazed at how fascinated he was with just running in the grass. If he ever is in need of some sunshine and you are in need of a break or inside time let me know and I will go run around with him... for a little while until he tires me out. I don't understand how kids bundled up in little bodies can have sooooooo much energy.
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