Friday, January 29, 2010

1.5 years.....

Today marks a very special day for my little cocobuns, my punky dunks.... Today he is 18 months old! A YEAR AND A HALF!!! Wowzas! He is no longer a 'baby'. And on sunday, he officially starts nursery! What a big boy he is! SUCH a little man. And I am having a BLAST with him! Yes, he's a challenge some days, but then he makes up for it after his nap, or the next day. :)

He is now understanding what things are, and where they are. Like when we need to get ready to go, and I'm asking where his shoes are... he's off running in the other room, and brings back the shoes he wants to wear! And when we need to get his coat on, he is soooo excited to find his coat and bring it to me! It is definitely frustrating at times when I wish he would just talk... but he has no problem coming and getting me, and pointing to the things he wants, or needs. His favorite place now, is the pantry, cause he knows EXACTLY where the "nack" (snacks) are!

He is sooo stinkin smart, I don't know where he gets it sometimes! He LOVES reading. L.O.V.E.S it. I just love watching him when he's looking at books, or while we're reading to him. Just wondering what he is thinking. The one thing I think he loves just as much, if not more... is DANCING! Oh my gosh. Anything will get him moving! I don't know where he's getting his love of books, but I DO know where he gets his love of dancing/music! While we are snuggling watching cartoons in the morning, he starts clapping, or moving his head back and forth. In the car, he is bouncin around to the beat. While we're singing to him, while he's watching his cousins playing Guitar Hero, he is a rock star!! Oh my gosh, TRUE dancer, for sure!

He is so sweet, and soooo funny. He makes his dad and I VERY happy. He is going to be such a great big brother! I can't wait! I am so grateful he is apart of our family. And that I have the chance to be his mother.

Happy HALF birthday Sweet COHEN BUNS!!!!!!!!

yesterday i was trying to take pictures of him, cause I really didn't have real recent ones of him. Especially after his haircut.... I was in the closet looking for something, and I found his jumper!! So I thought I'd try it out! He didn't really care for it that much. He REALLY liked it when I would push him in it, like a swing!
Cohen loves his closet. Why? I have no idea. But I walked in there looking for him, and I saw his little fingers sticking out of the sliding door! And this is what I found!


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