So, HAPPY NEW YEAR! This month has been INSANE. Just crazy. It's only 24 days into the new year, and so many things have happened. First, obviously, the new year began.... Which brings new thoughts of resolutions, goals, what have you.... The greatest thing of the year already happened. Yep! My birthday! :) My birthday was January 2nd. and I'm now 28 years of age. Wow. actually typing that out makes me feel so old! Also something else that has happened, is I have started school! Yeppers. tomorrow is the start of week three! I am attending The Aveda institute for esthetics! I still can't believe I'm going to school. And I can't believe that I get to have facials and massages all day long! :) It's full time... Tuesday through Saturday 10-6! Just crazy. But it is so rewarding, and makes me so happy that I'm doing something for me. And something to better my family in the long run. The good thing is that it's only 4 months long. So it will be over before we know it!
Mollykins is now 8 months old. She has graduated from the army crawl to actually crawling on her hands and knees! She is pulling herself up to standing, (which I was later informed that she has been doing it for a while, but seeing as I'm in school all day... ) she chatters non stop, and is everywhere! She's doing sooo good with her new schedule and being on solids. She's just a champ! I love her so much! She is soooooo sweet, and so funny! Ahh.... she's the best!
Cohen buns is 2 1/2. what do I say about him.... Wow, he is full of energy ALL the time!! He surprises me everyday with new words, or new dance moves. He loves to sing! He knows the Bob The Builder theme song, Popcorn popping, I am a child of God, and the monkey and alligator song! It's so cute hearing him sing. I try to get the songs on video... but I'm not having the best of luck! He knows his colors, and can repeat the alphabet... It just amazes me how quickly he picks up things. His favorite animal is a hippo. Not sure why, really. He's just so funny, and so full of life. He definitely keeps us on our toes! And he is the best big brother! He is so sweet to Molly, and makes sure she has a toy to play with. They just started taking baths together... so now everytime I tell him it's bath time, he won't get in, unless Molly gets in! I love him to pieces.
Jeff just started a new job at NetBiz, an Internet marketing company, doing sales. He likes it so far. I think he's just happy getting back in the real world. He's been stay-at-home dad for the past two weeks, which has been awesome... so it will be weird to have him at work now! Other than that, he's been enjoying watching sports, and can't wait for the spring (or nicer weather) to start golfing!
Well here's to a new year, and a new start! Let's hope I can keep this up at least once a week! :)